Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sali margi: Gravy chicken with shoestring potato

One chicken divided into large pieces.
Two onions finely sliced.
Two large potatoes, peeled, shredded.
Mashed garlic and ginger, one tablespoon total.
Two teaspoons ground coriander seed.
One teaspoon ground cumin seed.
One teaspoon cayenne.
One teaspoon salt
One piece of cinnamon.

Rub the chicken with the garlic and ginger plus the ground coriander, cumin, cayenne, and salt. Cover and put it in the refrigerator for several hours.

In a pan fry the onions golden. Add the chicken pieces and cinnamon, and brown all over. Add a splash of water, cover and keep on low heat for an hour. Put the chicken pieces and gravy in a plate with a wide rim for space.

Fry the potatoes and use to garnish the chicken on top and around. Your delicious chicken is now ready to serve.

1 comment:

The back of the hill said...

I say old chap, rather quoted you at length on the blog today. You might want to cruise on over and take a dekko.